#demisexual pamela isley
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dr-pamela-isley · 6 months ago
Into/explanation/boundaries post:
Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley | Poison Ivy
Lesbian | demisexual/romantic
“ecoterrorist of global importance”
Born in Seattle June 16th, 1988 | 36
Now resides in Gotham
Generally against the industrial complex of Gotham and people in general, but has been known to take in kids before, or at least spare them (which is canon she protected 8 orphans when the city was destroyed)
List of my lovely annon’s:
| Nonny Nonny | 🌸 | 🏹🩵 | 🪡 | 🍎 | 🎼🔧🍪 |
Giving each of my blog’s a song to go with the character so Ivy’s is:
So this is yet another DC rp blog I’ve made (my other two are @not-a-robin and @notquiterobin)
This one is based off of I’m sure you can guess Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
It’s all pretty straightforward, you can interact through asks, reblogs, comments, or however else you can think just be mindful of the boundaries list please
I am okay with romantic things (rp only) on this account but please keep in mind I am a minor, so yes romantic things are okay but nothing sexually explicit (plus Ivy is mostly plant so like asexual reproduction if anything anyway), I also feel like I should mention that I hc Ivy to be a lesbian so my Ivy is going to be a lesbian
- I am a minor, please keep that in mind, like I said I’m okay with romantic interactions on this blog just nothing explicitly sexual
- no batcest, in an context, I don’t care how you rationalize it I don’t want to see it
- no shipping adults and minors!
- no pro ships in general, my Ivy is 36 so anything under like 32 is going to be weird!
- no homophobia
- no transphobia
- no ableism
- no racism
- no Zionism
If you agree with any of those things, just leave now before I block you. Also this blog is heavily based on head cannon’s because Ivy is usually reduced to a side character, if you disagree that’s ok! Just be respectful
list of my other blogs: @not-a-robin, @notquiterobin, @cassandra-e-sandsmark, @zatannazatara-sorceresssupreme , @bludhavens-finest
Ivy lore doc:
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misfitgirlwrites · 11 months ago
I don't know how into poison ivy you are or if you've ever read fics with her but oh my gosh what really just breaks my brain is the ivy used to plants to infect reader with sex pollen and now reader must have sex with whoever is nearby otherwise they die 😬 I get it, it's fiction and your choosing what character to read or write that about, it's just too willy nilly in terms of consent for me so I can't read it (also it's just a strange thing for ivy to want to inflict on people 😂) buuttt I think it would be hilarious if the reader was just completely unaffected and ivy is like dang not again thwarted by an asexual.
Or if there was some sort of ivy sex pollen catastrophe in Gotham and the GCPD issue out a call of help like, calling all sex averse asexuals. please. help us! 😂
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I also raise you Reader being Ivy's friend and accidentally getting hit with said sex pollen but it works bc they're demisexual and in love with Ivy LMAOOOO (bc me. It would be me. Me in the DCU fr. Give me her and her gf. I'll fight the clown for Harley. *aggressively hides all my Joker merchandise*)
I fucking love this though! The GCPD has a whole unit of sex-averse asexuals specially for when Ivy decides to try some shit.
I've never read any fics with Poison Ivy but I do indeed love her and if she asked for my heart right now I'd give it to her
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vetor2064 · 9 months ago
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My Pride/Sexuality Headcanons for some BTAS characters.
Batman/Bruce Wayne: Bisexual and Polyamorous
Robin/Dick Grayson: Bisexual
Alfred Pennyworth : Straight Ally
Poison Ivy/Pamela Lillian Isley: Polysexual
Killer Croc/Waylon Jones: Aroace
Mister Freeze/Victor Fries: Straight Ally and Demisexual
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adeline-lynn · 4 months ago
Intro post:
Hi!! This is yet another blog of mine, this time for an oc!
Name: Adeline Lynn Constantine
Age: 19 | October 26, 2005 | Scorpio
Gender: Gender queer | she/he/they | any terms
Sexuality: Bisexual | demisexual
Daughter of John Constantine & Zatanna Zatara, resides mainly in Gotham, occasional sorceress for hire, works at a bookstore in historic Gotham beyond that
Mun is okay with flirting/romantic interactions just keep it pg-13 as mun is a minor!
If mun sends annon asks ill use 📿
Other boundaries and blogs below the cut
I am a minor, keep that in mind please
- NO BATCEST. Especially because this is a blog for one of the bats, I don't care how you rationalize it, I don't want to see BruceDick, DickXJason, DickXTim, or anything else.
- don't ship adults and minors!
- no proships in general
- no homophobia
- no transphobia
- no racism
- no Zionism
-mun is okay with romantic asks but no nsfw
If you agree with any of those things please just block me or leave now to make things easier on the both of us, if not then feel free to stick around!
Main blog: @sokoneedsagun
Other dc rp blogs: @bludhavens-finest @dr-pamela-isley @cassandra-e-sandsmark @connor-hawke-queen
Other dc oc blogs: @not-a-robin @notquiterobin @average-exasperated-gothamite
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Intro/Boundaries post
Name: Quinn Marie DuPont
Age: 19 | September 26th 2005
Gender: Gender-Fluid | She/They/He | any terms
Sexuality: Pasexual | Demisexual
Like the name says, just an average exasperated Gothamite, born and raised in Cherry Hill, Gotham, New Jersey
If I ever use any annon’s for this account it’ll be 🪼
I am a minor, Quinn is only 19 keep that in mind please
- NO BATCEST. Especially because this is a blog for one of the bats, I don't care how you rationalize it, I don't want to see BruceDick, DickXJason, DickXTim, or anything else.
- don't ship adults and minors!
- no proships in general
- no homophobia
- no transphobia
- no racism
- no Zionism
If you agree with any of those things please just block me or leave now to make things easier on the both of us, if not then feel free to stick around!
Mum also runs: @bludhavens-finest @dr-pamela-isley @notquiterobin @not-a-robin @cassandra-e-sandsmark @connor-hawke-queen
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arabriddler · 8 months ago
The Penguin and The Peacock (71465 words) by Match_less Chapters: 24/? Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma, Oswald Cobblepot & Sofia Falcone, Oswald Cobblepo & Gertrud Kapelput, Harley Quinn & Oswald cobblepot, Harley Quinn & Edward Nygma, Jonathan Crane & Edward Nygma Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Sofia Falcone, Gertrud Kapelput, Carmine Falcone, The Ventriloquist, Jervis Tetch, Harley Quinn, Abner Krill, Cleo Cazo, Harvey Dent, Ignatius Ogilvy, Selina Kyle, Pamela Isley, Waylon Jones, Jonathan Crane Additional Tags: meet cute but not really, Slow Burn, Arkham, Autistic Edward Nygma, Edward Nygma Has OCD, oswald cobblepot has depression, nerds being in love and silly, but of course there is the horror, graphic description of suicide, Torture, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Unreliable Narrator, Aromantic riddler, aromantic edward nygma, Asexual Oswald Cobblepot, Demisexual Edward Nygma, Body Worship, english isn’t my first language Series: Part 4 of Nahlaverse Summary: When he was a child living on The Falcone estate, Oswald saw a peacock. He thought it’s beautiful in the way strange things are, even if it bit him and made his hand bleed. Many years later, while plotting for the fall of Don Falcone, Oswald met a man who’s beautiful in the way strange things are, even if he kissed him and made his heart bleed.
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Demi-aro4ace dynamic
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rachelillustrates · 4 years ago
Comic review time!
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Some thoughts on the Harlivy section of “Love is a Battlefield.”
(Featuring crappy cell phone photos taken as I was reading it on a computer that is not my own, so proper screencaps were not an option.)
🍃💞 Spoilers follow. 💞🍃
Okay, so even though I had read some reviews that accurately called out the toeing-the-line style queerphobia that we so often get with these two Wives, I still went and bought this. I can’t help but hope that voting with our dollars for all Harlivy content that acknowledges them as together, even if they don’t explicitly show it, will lead to more content about them that is open about their love (”Kisses, please.”) ❤
On that note - I haven’t read the rest of the book yet, having jumped right to the section on my girls. But I have been informed that the hetero-presenting couples do get explicit smooches, and that is extremely irritating, in the face of what we got here. We do get a forehead kiss, some decent hand-holding and a very interesting ending (more on that below), but it’s all written in a way that the homophobes/queerphobes could write them off as Gal Pals, again, if they really want to.
To be fair, though, if I clearly spent my whole  adult life with someone in a more-than-friends kind of way, after “accidentally” getting into bed with them after they “accidentally” propositioned me as a joke, and then ended my elderly years with them the way this ended....... that’s gay, folks. Hands down. 
That said, I did actually enjoy this story. It reads romantic to me from an asexual/demisexual perspective, which feels very Ivy to me, so that was kind of nice in and of itself (which doesn’t make the lack of obvious, undeniably physical-romantic evidence fair, per se, but we do live in a world that hypersexualizes everything, and this reads a bit like a Regency/Victorian romance in a sense, to me - with the tamer-than-usual standards of physical affection in public and the undeniable loyalty to each other, regardless. So yeah,  I couldn’t help but like the vibe). 
Here’s some specific moments I have some thoughts on, for the good:
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So this one, and this dialogue, just struck me on a personal level because of how my Wife and I are together. She’s not very fond of people either, and my emotional breakdowns are a lot to handle, so I could see us here, and I appreciate that a lot. As always, the fact that Harley is ivy’s exception in her hatred of humanity never ever ever reads as anything other than romantic to me. There is an inherent queerness in that and I am Here For It. 
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Again. “Accidentally” misunderstanding. “Accidentally” propositioning. You lived to touch *Ivy* again, Harls. That is specific language. Not to mention the fact that Harley touched Ivy enough to get a rash everywhere means that Ivy didn’t just shove her out of bed. Ahem. 
And as always, the fact that Ivy made a point to immunize Harley against her toxins is also inherently queer, even without the language choices noted above. If she didn’t intend to follow through with physical romantic affection, she wouldn’t have needed to do that, in that moment or in the future - she could have just warned Harley off and been more careful around her, herself. So obviously, if you put any thought into this fact at all, it’s clear what the intention was. 
(The problem is that many people don’t put any thought into it, so unfortunately we need more blatant evidence of their romance, over and over again, to shut the homophobes and denialists down. Which is SO FRUSTRATING, since no one ever questions if Bruce is with Selina, or if Clark is with Lois, whether they ship it or not - they admit that its there, regardless.)
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Including this brief moment because even though it’s subtle, Ivy reaching for Harley in a situation where they’re both in danger is a nice touch. 
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And same thing, here. They’ve obviously been through a lot in the situation they’re referencing, and Harley’s instinct as her Pam-a-Lamb makes an uneasy alliance is to hold on to her. Solidarity, support. Protective, too, with the guarded look on Harley’s face. I like it. 
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Aaaaaaand now we get to the bittersweet ending - I’m including this shot because, even though deathbed-side hand holding can be done platonically too, it’s obviously not platonic here if you weigh it against what we’ve already seen. This is the love of Ivy’s life, dying in front of her, and it’s intense. You can see in in everything - her posture, her expression, the fact that she’s folded Harley’s hand into both of hers. 
But then:
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Instead of getting very emotional about it, Ivy has already (and of COURSE she did!) come up with a solution. I’ve seen this referenced as them choosing to die together - but that’s not how it reads to me, at all. I see this as them choosing to live again, taking the chance at a brand new start.
Ivy doesn’t want to die here, but she doesn’t want to live, as she is, without Harley in her life. If they hadn’t done this? Ivy would have passed away too, eventually - the fact that she’s aged right alongside Harls is evidence of that. And then they’d be at the mercy of whatever afterlife may or may not be there - maybe not even reunited in death, if there’s an afterlife at all. 
So of course she leans on science, she leans on the Green, to give them both another chance.
They’re choosing life. And they’re choosing it in the face of the uncertainty of memory loss - what if they don’t feel the same, in their new forms?
But then Harley says this:
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How can I not love that?  💞🍃🌱
(Also, fanart will be coming of their new forms - since we didn’t get that, what the hell DC - if/when I’m able to get to it. I’m very busy, but the idea of this new life for them is captivating.)
(In the meantime, more of my existing Harlivy work is available here, among other meta and inspiration posts.)
(And my original comic work is available here.)
Thanks for reading!
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morticiaslittlemadhouse · 3 years ago
Batrogues Gender/sexuality
Joker-something not cisgender (he/him/clown) gay
Selina Kyle-cis woman (she/her) bisexual (male prefrence)
Oswald Cobblepot-cis man (he/him) omnisexual (male preference)
Edward Nygma-cis man (he/him) gay homoflexible
Harvey Dent-genderfluid (any pronouns) bisexual
Jonathan Crane-trans man (he/him/it/its) pansexual
Pamela Isley-trans woman (she/her) lesbian
Jervis Tetch-non binary (any pronouns) pansexual
Waylon Jones-cis man (he/him) biromantic demisexual
Basil Karlo-genderfluid (varying pronouns) gay
Harleen Quinzell-cis woman (she/her/honk) bisexual
Viktor Fries-cis man (he/him) straight asexual
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years ago
What If? Hawkeye: Project Red Widow
by OiiMerch
What If? Hawkeye: Project Red Widow consists of both the Marvel and DC world with favorites such as Kara/Supergirl, Jon/Superboy, Damian Wayne, Suicide Squad Harley Quinn, and many cameos to come. Kate Bishop discovers a dark past, a lost sister, falls in love, creates a superhero team and tries to save the world in Project Red Widow. (Possibly 100 chapters, it's a WIP atm)
Words: 1799, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawkeye (TV 2021), DCU (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Pepper Potts, Sonya the Black Widow (Hawkeye TV), Susan Bishop, Eleanor Bishop (Marvel), Wilson Fisk, Maya Lopez, Clint Barton, America Chavez, Wanda Maximoff, Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Wade Wilson, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov, Melina Vostokoff
Relationships: Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Crossover, Aged-Up Character(s), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Crushes, Falling In Love, Domestic, Deviates From Canon, Idiots in Love, Family, Family Feels, Family Bonding, Female Relationships, Developing Friendships, Male-Female Friendship, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Eventual Happy Ending, Attempt at Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Bisexual Kate Bishop, Demisexual Yelena Belova, Bisexual Natasha Romanov, Bisexual Wanda Maximoff, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Useless Bisexual Kara Danvers, Kate Bishop Has a Crush, Kate Bishop Needs a Hug, Bisexual Lena Luthor, Gay Jonathan Samuel Kent, Bisexual Damian Wayne, Kate Bishop Has PTSD, Kate Bishop Has ADHD
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/THIyMoz via IFTTT https://ift.tt/THIyMoz
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askjonathanandtherogues · 3 years ago
Frick it
I'm back and I present how I shall barley make anyone in my au Straight
Jonathan Crane is Gay and Demisexual (He/It) Married to Jervis Tetch
Jervis Tetch is a Transgender Man and Pansexual (He/Him) Married to Jonathan Crane
Edward Nygma is Gay (He/Him) Currently Single and used to Date Oswald Cobblepot
Oswald Cobblepot is Gay (And Homophobic) (He/Him) Crush on Basil Karlo and used to Date Edward Nygma
Harleen Quinzel is a Non Binary Woman and Bisexual (She/They) Dating Pamela Isley and Used to Date The Joker
Pamela Isley is a Trans Woman and a Lesbian (She/Her) Dating Harleen Quinzel
Selina Kyle is a Trans Woman and Bisexual (She/Her) On and Off with Bruce Wayne
Harvey Dent is Genderfluid and Bisexual (He/She) Crush on Bruce Wayne and Married to Gilda Dent
Basil Karlo is Gay (And Technically Genderfluid) (He/Him sometimes She or They) Crush on Oswald Cobblepot
Benito Dorrance (Bane) is a Trans Man and Bisexual (He/Him) Currently Single
Waylon Jones is Demiromantic and Pansexual (He/Him) Dating Grace Balin
The Joker is a Non Binary Man and Pansexual (He/They/Clown) In Love with the Batman and used to Date Harleen Quinzel
(I shall make all LGBTQ+)
(Any questions about my headcanons you know where/who to ask)
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rogues-gallery-headcanons · 4 years ago
Can I ask for a ranking of the rogues from highest to lowest libido? Thanks in advance.
Oh! Lol this was fun to do!
Warning: The content below the cut will contain mentions to sex (sugestive content), people that may not be comfortable with that please be careful!
Rogues - Libido Headcanon
Dennis Prowell: I'm not gonna lie to you in here, Dennis is pretty much horny 24/7. He jumps at every opportunity to get laid, and considering that he's a great smooth talker he does it very often too.
Oswald Cobblepot: He may deny it, but Ozzy here also has an high libido, and it doesn't help that he is surrounded by pretty ladies and gentlemen on his iceberg lounge. Rumours say that he has an toyboy that "helps him out".
Harvey Dent: Man whore. He just look at a pretty person and go try his luck. The approach depends on who is in control in the moment.
Selina Kyle: Have you noticed the way she looks at the bat every time she sees him? That's because Selina wants to fuck him again. Jokes aside, Miss Kyle has a high libido, Bruce Wayne can confirm.
Harleen Quinzel: She's not that horny on the first glance, but on the moment that she start liking someone the horny begins. This become evident with Joker and later with Ivy.
Bane: He have an high-ish libido, he's not super horny nor hates sex. But wouldn't denies if someone it's interested.
Jonathan Crane: Like Bane his libido his high-ish, but he's to busy working in his toxin to pay attention to what he feeling. It's very common to Jonathan to have one night stands.
Jervis Tetch: His libido is very normal, Jervis craves more of an romantic feeling, he just want to cuddle most of the time. But when he's horny you can find him at a local bars and clubs.
Edward Nygma: His libido is also very normal, but Edward is too busy to get laid. So he gets even more horny over the time, until he fucks or "helps himself"(the later it's more common).
Joker: He has his share of horny, but it's generally uninterested, the thinks it's more fun to try to break the bat.
Pamela Isley: She doesn't care much for the subject, i headcanon her to be demisexual so if there's is someone especial *cof* *cof* harley*cof* *cof* then yeah, the normal amount of horny tho.
Waylon Jones: Waylon generally have a low libido, but from time to time he gets his fair share of horny.
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cetacian · 4 years ago
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Name: Grace Balin
Alias: Orca Gender: Female Age: 30s Species: Human-orca hybrid (formerly human) Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown Abilities/Talents: Enhanced strength, enhanced durability, very strong swimmer and very fast in water, claws that can tear through flesh and metal easily, echolocation, knowledgeable in bio-medicine and marine biology (created a serum from orca spinal tissues and created an antidote to the Blockbuster serum). 
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Religion: Still considers herself Catholic, but has complicated views. Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English, Spanish, knows quite a bit of Latin due to her medical and marine biology studies, but not enough to speak conversationally.
Family: Terry Capshaw (estranged husband, alive, Main Verse), Martin Balin (father, alive), Sadie Balin (mother, alive), Prudence (sister, alive), Temperance (sister, alive), Faith (sister, alive), Hope (sister, alive), Charity Balin (sister, alive),  Justice Balin (brother, alive), Courage Balin (brother, alive). Jonah Balin (nephew, deceased), Waylon Jones/Killer Croc (husband, alive, Injustice Verse), Unborn Child (alive, details pending, Injustice Verse).
Friends: Salman Jared (deceased), Tony, Eugene, Waylon Jones/Killer Croc, Sondra Fuller/Lady Clay, Michael Drown/Red Phantom, Frankenstein, Andrew Bennett/ I, Vampire, Cyrus Gold/Solomon Grundy, Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze, Josiah Haigh/March Hare, Hunter, Tyson Owens/Glitch, Jerrie Rathaway, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (Injustice Verse), Floyd Lawton/Deadshot (Injustice Verse), George “Digger” Harkness/Captain Boomerang (Injustice Verse), Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana (Injustice Verse), Kirk Langstrom/Man-Bat (Injustice Verse, deceased), Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Injustice Verse), Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah (Injustice Verse). Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship status: single / dating / married (Main Verse and Injustice Verse) / widowed / open relationship / other (Estranged but trying to work things out with her husband Terry in Main Verse) Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender (formerly) / average / athletic  (she buff) / curvy / chubby / obese Hair: white / blonde (formerly) / brunette / red / black / other (bald) Eyes: brown / blue (formerly) / green / black (no visible iris) / other Skin: pale / fair (formerly) / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other (black and white) Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot (8 feet tall) Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds Scars: Has numerous scars all over her body from battles. Used to have scars from near fatal bullet wounds to the chest, but that healed within a few weeks after taking all of her serum. Facial Features: Pointy snout with teeth exposed. White patches around eyes. Upper head is black, lower jaw and downward is white.
Tattoos: None.
Dogs or Cats? Birds or Hamsters? Snakes or Spiders? Red or Blue? Yellow or Green? Black or White? (She’s both, so why choose?) Coffee or Tea? Ice Cream or Cake? Fruits or Vegetables? Sandwich or Soup? Magic or Melee? Sword or Bow? Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn? The Past or The Future?
tagged by: @mondaybcrn tagging: @glitchingleaves​, @cursednightmarishsilkenthreads, @depthsamongstthevoidandstars, @glitchexmachina (for Tyson), @kitfreeman  @thedeathangel2112 (for Hunter), @kittys-toybox (for Injustice Harley and/or Raven), @hamelinbound, @bizarrcinkofwings and anybody else who wants to do this!
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ao3feed-batlantern · 5 years ago
by Queerbutstillhere
The batfamily had this gift. 
This wonderful skill.
They are such talented, brilliant, capable individuals.
But they are absolutely horrendous at wisely timing coming out to their family members.
These are their stories
Aka: "I love you all but could we stop coming out to each other during the middle of battles?"
Aaka: That Pride Fic I realized I needed to write.
Words: 7484, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Edward Nygma, Harvey Dent
Relationships: Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan (suggested), Dick Grayson/Wally West (Suggested), Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Bart Allen/Tim Drake, Damian Wayne/Jonathan Samuel Kent (suggested)
Additional Tags: Pride, pride fic, Coming Out, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bisexual Bruce Wayne, Bisexual Dick Grayson, Trans Tim Drake, Poly Jason Todd, Gay Tim Drake, Asexual Cassandra Cain, Demisexual Damian Wayne, Ivy is there for way too many of the Bat kids coming out, this is mostly just my headcanons okay, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Canon Compliant, most of the pairings are just there because it's mentioned or implied, this is mostly batfam, Batfamily (DCU), bruce is tired, I Don't Know Anymore, I don't really like this fic, don't judge me too much, also timelines, what are those, funky is what they are, no beta we die like jason todd, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Alfred Knows All, Some blood mentions, Some Swearing, some suggestive plot
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ao3feed-birdflash · 5 years ago
by Queerbutstillhere
The batfamily had this gift. 
This wonderful skill.
They are such talented, brilliant, capable individuals.
But they are absolutely horrendous at wisely timing coming out to their family members.
These are their stories
Aka: "I love you all but could we stop coming out to each other during the middle of battles?"
Aaka: That Pride Fic I realized I needed to write.
Words: 7484, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Edward Nygma, Harvey Dent
Relationships: Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan (suggested), Dick Grayson/Wally West (Suggested), Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Bart Allen/Tim Drake, Damian Wayne/Jonathan Samuel Kent (suggested)
Additional Tags: Pride, pride fic, Coming Out, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bisexual Bruce Wayne, Bisexual Dick Grayson, Trans Tim Drake, Poly Jason Todd, Gay Tim Drake, Asexual Cassandra Cain, Demisexual Damian Wayne, Ivy is there for way too many of the Bat kids coming out, this is mostly just my headcanons okay, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Canon Compliant, most of the pairings are just there because it's mentioned or implied, this is mostly batfam, Batfamily (DCU), bruce is tired, I Don't Know Anymore, I don't really like this fic, don't judge me too much, also timelines, what are those, funky is what they are, no beta we die like jason todd, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Alfred Knows All, Some blood mentions, Some Swearing, some suggestive plot
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forlornmelody · 5 years ago
What characters in the DC universe do you see as ace?
So, this answer is a bit out of order (I have a backlog of asks and tags again), but it’s Ace Awareness Week! 
As always, I feel like my sexuality headcanons are a sort of chicken & the egg situation. Are they ace because I like them? Or do I like them because they’re ace? [spoiler warning: no one following this blog will be surprised by the characters that follow.]
Rose Wilson: aka The Ravager. Daughter of Slade Wilson, aka, Deathstroke the Terminator. Sometimes a villain, usually an anti-hero that plays by her own rules and for her own team. Precognitive martial artist who favors swords, and has Deadpool-like ability to regenerate (except for her eyeball.)
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Why I see her as ace: So, Rose is a constant flirt. I can’t remember flirting with girls (someone please prove me wrong), but name a male hero/villain around her age and she’s probably offered to get into their pants. Here’s the thing, though. The only time you actually see her sleep with someone is when she’s in a. Bad. Place. Also, Slade, who will never win the Dad Of The Year award, straight-up accuses her of blue-balling her boyfriend. She gets married in Rebirth, but only to spite her dad (the dude’s a former associate who ratted on him), but she seemingly falls for the guy later. She’ll also flirt your tail off but get all tongue-tied when you actually connect emotionally with her. I think for Rose, sexuality/sensuality is another weapon in her arsenal, but she doesn’t really let many people get close enough to actually be attracted to them. Conclusion: Rose is demisexual, maybe demiromantic.
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My thinking with Dr. Pamela Isley aka Poison Ivy, runs along the same lines. She literally kills/stuns/controls people with kisses, whether it be lipstick or meta-pollen (yes I just made that up.) Honestly, I don’t know as much about her history (yet), but from what I’ve seen--the only person she truly cares about is her best friend and partner in crime--Dr. Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn. People say Ivy is into Batman, but please. She’s trying to murder the guy, not seduce him. Ivy’s relationship with Harley builds over time. It’s initially established as one of those THEY WERE ROOMMATES situations in Gotham City Sirens (when they move in with Catwoman and take over The Riddler’s apartment.) When she does decide to start a family in her own six-issue series, Ivy creates her children using her own power and knowledge, rather than involving a second party. Tell me that’s not the most ace thing you’ve ever read. (And yes, having someone with plant powers be our ace rep is a little problematic--Ivy controls/uses/works with plants. She is not literally a plant.) Also, she gives me major Jessica Rabbit vibes. Conclusion: Ivy is definitely demisexual. I’m not sure whether to qualify her as a demi lesbian or a bi/panromantic demiexual. Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this. 
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the-omni-princess · 5 years ago
there is this shame and disgust this totalitarianism ,communism ,dictatorship gay and lesbians and pro-feminist and like harley x ivy stans and batjoker and for harley quinn I prefer her love with deadshot, floyd lawton saved innocent peoples ,saved world and than this hateful office than she eco-terrorist pamela isley, poison ivy by hates men and humanity and harley quinn until when will you admit and accept bisexual and bisexuality ?
First and foremost, I’m Cuban. Talk about communism and dictatorship and blah blah, I’ll fuck you up. Secondly, it is my page, and I will post whatever the fuck I want. Thirdly, and very important. Don’t be panphobic, and stop being an asshole. Even if I’m experimenting with the label of demisexual, I am still panromatic. I’ve been panromatic (and pansexual) for literal years. I do not identify as bisexual, and I won’t stand for any hate of the LGBT+ community in anyway on my page. So kindly fuck off, or get blocked
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